Tuesday April 1, 2025 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Cybersecurity Standards, Policies, Directives, Rules, Orders, Compliance Regulations and other types of mandatory and best practice guidance can be overwhelming… With limited budget and time, learn from the speakers with high audience collaboration how many organizations handle the wide range of cyber and related areas to control. We cover: prioritizing which standards to concentrate on, how to quickly adapt template and other publicly available examples to your unique situations, and successful socialization strategies and techniques.

Attendees come away with actionable steps to better set, socialize and effectively manage the ever-growing array of needed technology and cybersecurity standards and directives.

Provide your contact information if you want access to a growing list of government provided free and reasonably priced services from the likes of TEEX, TxDIR, CISA, CIS and others.
avatar for Darrel Raynor

Darrel Raynor

Director, Cybersecurity Business Integration, Lower Colorado River Authority
Darrel serves as Cybersecurity Director, Business Integration for LCRA. Here, he increases organization efficiency, decreases friction and works with all business units, using clear communications internally, with customers, vendors, and partners to increase overall Cyber posture... Read More →
avatar for Scott Karr

Scott Karr

Senior Cybersecurity Analyst, Lower Colorado River Authority
Scott serves as a Senior Cybersecurity Analyst, Business Integration for LCRA. He specializes in vulnerability management and engagement, integrates and socializes standards and polices with business units, and drives overall Cyber process improvement. A US Army veteran, Scott has... Read More →
Tuesday April 1, 2025 4:00pm - 5:00pm CDT
Spring Lake C 1001 E McCarty Ln, San Marcos, TX 78666

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