About me
Dirce currently works as Cyber Risk Management SME in the Insurance and Financial Services sector. With over 17 years of experience spanning across Information and Cyber Security, Cyber Threat Risk Management, Cybersecurity IT Audit, and Cyber Security Research in various industries; specifically Texas State Government, Higher Education, Healthcare and Financial Sectors. Dirce holds both a Bachelor's degree in Computer Information Systems and E-Commerce, and a master's degree in Information Security and Information Assurance Management from Our Lady of the Lake University. He holds the following industry certifications: CISA, CISM, CRISC, CPDSE, CSX. In addition to his professional career, Dirce is involved with higher education in a professor capacity teaching Organizational leadership, Cyber security, and general IT courses for several colleges and Universities. Dirce also served on the San Antonio ISACA leadership board from 2018-2021.