About me
Lisa leads the TEEX Business & Cyber Solutions (BCS) Division which provides training and technical assistance for workforce development, cybersecurity and economic development programs in communities, counties, regions and across the United States. Lisa has 25 years’ experience in economic, workforce, and business development and 29 years’ experience in project management.
Lisa has served in a Business Development role throughout her career connecting communities and companies to numerous resources along with assisting these companies with labor needs, skills assessments, workforce analysis, and coordinating workforce development training opportunities through the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) and community colleges.
Lisa has three decades of experience working with local, county, regional, and state leaders. She is also certified in Sub-Awarding to Pass-Through Entities via the MCI Grants Management Certificate Program in 2008. Lisa has over 29 years’ experience in managing both federal and state grants and contracts ensuring compliance with sponsor requirements. She has been with TEEX since 2006.